Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"When and Where I Enter...."

After a very LONG day of travels, filled with canceled, rescheduled and late flights, I made it to Berkeley, California. I haven't been to campus yet, but I am staying at a hotel a mile and a half away.
I'm starting to get a little nervous... I have avoided allowing myself to overthink the decesion to come on this journey. Now I am here, and I am allowing a few of those thoughts in.
However, I have already seen some of the benefits of coming on this adventure. Yesterday, from my plane window, I saw two things that I never thought I would: The Grand Canyon and Las Vegas. Without going on adventure, you don't get to explore and discover.
I'm still pretty excited to see what this adventure is going to hold for me. Classes start next Tuesday, so I have 6 days to do a little exploring in my new surroundings. Which is good for me, so that I can get the hang of local transit and what is available to me.Of course, like any great American, I must find the closest Wal-Mart!
One of the purposes of starting this blog for me was to long and track my journey so that, if there are any other Spelman students that are contemplating going on Domestic Exchange, they will have a sort of chronology of someone's experience. In that spirit, I must first get down to bra$$ tax...
Be sure to plan well in advance for your travels. Be aware that, travel can get a little pricey. Figure out the date that you would like to leave for your destination AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This will help in alleviating some of the cost of a ticket. In my case, I have flown from one side of the country to another (literally) and my ticket was less than $200 because I planned well in advance. I would highly recommend Southwest Airlines if you can because they allow you to have 2 bags for free if you meet the weight requirements. The next bag is $50, but for those of you who are able to minimize, this will not be an expense you need to worry about. 
Another important aspect of travel is knowing where you will land, who will pick you up and how you will reach your destination. My mother was able to find a really good Airport Transit company called Bay Porter Express. I was able to get from the airport to my hotel for $30 (if was supposed to be $25, but there was a $3 excess baggage charge and then $2 tip.) Also, I was able to find a great hotel, only a mile and a half from the Berkeley campus for the evening for $119 + tax (which means it was really $130).
Anyway, the point is to be prepared when it comes to money. In my case, my mother and I worked out some financial plans the summer before I was to come. We saved all semester and now, we barely have to worry about a thing as far as finances. Also, my father has graciously lined my pocket before I left on the plane. (Another great tip to travel is having awesome parents!)
As the title of this blog says, "When and Where I Enter..." which I say for my Spelman Sisters. We all know exactly what that quote means to us! But it is so true. Where ever you are going, you are never going alone. I have not only brought my Spelman community with me on this journey. I have brought my friends and family with me. My mom has always talked about seeing the Grand Canyon and how much she has always wanted to see it. Yesterday, from my plane window, I took dozens of pictures of it, just for her. It was so, even though she has not seen it for herself YET, in some form, she has seen it.

Anyway, I must stop writing so I can go to my FREE continental breakfast and then proceed with my day. (See, planning is everything!)

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."- Martin Luther King Jr. (Thanks to my friend Diana for posting that on her Facebook today!)

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