Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The First Day of Classes as a UCB Student

Alright, now we get to the part that really matters. Education and classes. Which I can happily report are excellent thus far!
My first class of the day was Politics and Social Change at 9:30am. I was able to successfully wake up in time to get dressed, eat breakfast, and make it to class early. (Not super early, but a cool 10 min. I don't believe in being "on time" on the first day of any class. It leaves an impression...)
Anyway, the class was about 40 people, which is pretty small on this campus. (Never mind this is 8-10 people shy of my Con Law class last semester...)
I thought I would have been the student that traveled the furthest. However, there was a troop of students from Norway, then students from France, Brazil and Italy. So, North Carolina is the back yard compared to that.
I was expecting the format of the course to be drastically different than things I was used to. However, it was very similar to my Sociological Imagination course. And, the syllabus included texts and authors that I had been hearing about since high school.
The thing I have to say I loved best about this class for today would have been picking up the text. Instead of a formalized book, we have a "reader" which was put together at Copy Central, it is the size of a text book, and it cost me $43. Anyone who has been inside a college book store knows that this is the holy grail of pricing.
The proffesor was also very personable, and he was kind enough to cancel sectionals for today. (It probably would have been useless to have a discussion with us due to the fact that... we hadn't read anything yet.) However, there is one textbook that I must buy at the book store. However, it is less than $30, which is once again, a steal. (CHA-CHING!)
It was on my way back from this class that I got to thinking...
I had been having some self doubts about whether I was the caliber of student that it took to be a student at UCB. However, it dawned on me that I am a representative of everyone who has ever had an influence on my life. From my parents, my sister and my grandparents, to my teachers that I have treasured over the years. I am even a representative of the difficulties that have been set before me thus far in my life. And to doubt myself would have been to doubt this collection of experience. It was when I began to think of this... how I am a product of great people, and I am a representative of all they have poured into me, that I began to stop doubting myself. To have doubted myself, would have been to doubted them as well. Which I don't and I quickly put those thoughts to bed.
This is to say that, every person who has ever poured into your life is a part of your success when you make it to greatness. And when you get there, you pay them tribute by pushing yourself to be even more successful. So, for anyone who has those kinds of doubts, put them away, and go live your destiny.
As I decend from my soap box... Lol.
Today was club rush in front of Sather Gate. Joining clubs is an excellent way to meet new people and to make friends. This is a very important process and it should not be taken lightly. Especially when you are on exchange. I once heard the saying, "Your network is a symbol of your net worth." Now, I am using this out of the context that it was originally intended, but I think it applies. This means that there is a richness that is brought about to your life when you decide to surround yourself with good people. I will not go so far as to be specific about what "good" means here. But, the basic idea is to put yourself in the presence of others who will enhance your life. This being said, we will move right along in the description of the day. (I must be quick because my professor made up for canceling sectionals in the amount of reading we are supposed to do tonight... Yikes!)
My second (technically 3rd) class of the day was Virtual Communities and Social Media. I can already say that this is about to be one of the most fascinating courses I will take in my life. This is the kind of course you take out student loans and enter yourself into years of debt which will result in you eating Ramen noodles instead of Caviar and Trout Almondine for.
Althougth the course is 3 hours... and at night... I can honestly say, the time flies because the information is so fascinating. (The 10 minute breaks every hour don't hurt either.)
This is the kind of course that you go on Exchange for. Because it is information that might not be available at Spelman. I'm pretty sure that Spelman doesn't have a course like this because our department is pretty small. (Of course, this is not a negative statement about my love, Spelman. I will always be a Spelmanite in my heart first. No matter how many degrees come after it, which hopefully will be a gracious plenty.)
Anyway... The point is, classes here are excellent, engaging and fun. So, for Spelman students considering exchange, I suggest you make UCB your first choice. It's like nothing else....
Now, in the time honored tradition of higher learning, I must go study! But I will leave you with this...

"It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are."- e.e. cummings (He is truly one of my favorite poets.

(P.S. There are some truly talented kids at UCB. The girl next door is singing with acoustic guitar right now. She has the kind of voice that makes you open your room door to listen, not to tell her to kindly keep her "gifts" to herself.)

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